
Going Back to Move Forward 13

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Literature Text

Chapter 13: Yellow Ribbon

Going Back to Move Forward art by whenyinmetyang

Bus driver, please look for me

'Cause I couldn't bear to see what I might see

I'm really still in prison and my love, she holds the key

A simple yellow ribbon's what I need to set me free

-Tie a Yellow Ribbon (1973)

Acme Studios, School Season, 1962

Dinner was quiet. Too quiet.

Rhoda leaned back in her couch inside her trailer. Her senses had been on high alert being alone in a household. Her ears, so accustomed to Jack's hollering and Rose's comebacks, would twist at every creak and hum of the trailer. She filled the empty seats with pillows and other stuff just so her mind could stop expecting them to show up and sit there.

Her head dropped on the table. She had no right to be upset. Her hands slammed as she rose up determinedly. No, she had to look this in an optimistic light!

Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes.

Jesse would be spending more time with the kids.

Good, good. That's a good thought.

Rose and Jack would be getting to know their father more.

Another good thought, yes.

The list went on. Better living. Closer to their schools. They would still visit... Pretty soon, Rhoda was eating her dinner contentedly.

As long as they're happy, she's happy.


Jesse's Apartment, 1964

17-year-old Rose sighed as she stared out of the window. Back in 1962, she had sent one of her songs to Broadside magazine where recording companies and agents could pick out new talent. In a whirlwind of recording events of the last year, her song was now being played by radio stations nationwide.

She had decided she was ready to release the song that meant a lot to her. The first song she came out to Pa. Although…

"Rose, I can only protect you so far," Pa said. "But they will still arrest and put queers into psychiatric lockdowns if they have the chance. Even here in California."

He was right. Homosexuality is still considered a sickness or a crime or a sin. So her songs were coded. Enough to be picked up by others who feel the same way.

Her song that had risen to one of the top lists was titled "Idol." A song that started with the lines:

There are 2 ways to dehumanize someone

Abuse them

Idolize them

"Idol" was simply a song reminding people to let people be their own person and expecting someone to be so much can be a bad thing.

She smiled, looking behind her at the small party Maman had thrown for her in celebration of her becoming a hit -although in scattered pockets.

"That's a good thing, kid," Aunt Mina said. "Show business eats people alive. At least you get to grow first."

Yet subtlety aside, fame aside; was she really reaching out to the people who really matter? Girls who feel different and feels isolated because of it. Girls who feel scared about themselves because of what other people, ignorant of the subject, might say?

Ratings tell her nothing. Being listed as favorites tells her nothing. Was she even helping them? Or was she risking herself for the sake of expression?


Acme Studios, School Season, 1962

"Hey Jesse!" Then she stopped, beaming at the stranger in Jesse's office. "Oh hello! Who's this?"

A plump anthropomorphic fox with blue and white fur sat on a chair. Wearing a white coat over his yellow shirt and mustard pants, Rhoda could only assume he's a doctor.

"This is Dr. Fox," Jesse said. "Dr. Fox, this is my wife, Rhoda."

"Indeed," the fox said, standing up.

"Nice to meet ya!" Rhoda said, shaking his hand.

But then the fox suddenly took huge inhale.

"Well?" Jesse asked.

The doctor shook his head. "Nothing."

Rhoda looked confused. "What nothing?"

"Oh I'm sorry. I was asked to inspect if you have been marked."

"Marked?" Rhoda asked. Without thinking, her arms protectively wrapped around herself. "What do you mean?"

"Thank you for your time, doctor," Jesse said.

The fox nodded and left.

"Anthropomorphic foxes mark their women by nuzzling their necks to leave their scent," Jesse calmly explained. "This repels other foxes from their mates."

Rhoda stared, her mouth hanging open. Then she became a flurry of gesturing limbs before flinging her arms wide. "You could've just asked!"

Jesse shook his head. "It's not that I don't trust you. I just don't trust that fox."

Again, Rhoda stared at him as though he had grown rabbit ears.

"Eurgh!" she exclaimed, throwing up her hands with a turn of her heel.


ToonTown High School, 1964

Seventeen-year-old Jack zoomed around the track.

Coaches from various sports have asked him to play for their humanoid teams. However, a debate arose on whether he should be allowed, since technically, he's not fully a humanoid toon.

But Jack found it too troublesome and declined. He liked to ran and play sports for fun. That's all.

Instead, Jack found himself going to animal shelters to volunteer. The media had been a pest, following him or her sister around. But they found a way to take advantage of it. Once they knew they're being photographed, they would flash placards advising to spend time on something worthwhile like donating to an animal shelter -address and phone number included. For some reason, they were left alone after that.

He slowed down when he passed by one of the stands for the 10th time. A figure sat hunched in it, unmoving even now. The guy was wearing a hoodie, like him. But it only made him look drab and gray.

If Maman was here, she'd be gravitating towards the sorry-looking soul already.

As quietly as he could, he walked to the side of the stand, careful not to be seen. The unexpected is the key to comedy, their comedienne mother explained.

With a leap, he grabbed the railings, alerting the figure.

"How's it hanging?" he grinned, his feet dangling.

But his smile became frozen. Underneath the hood, the figure turned, only to be a "she." He inwardly cursed. Now more aware of how girls see him, he could only hoped she wouldn't be the "just like in the movies" gushy type who would take his approach the wrong way.

The cat girl with the strange markings on the face backpedaled away from him, looking bewildered. "Wha-?"

The show must always go onMaman taught inside his head.

"I don't know what you're thinking right now. But just hang in there!" he said with a fist pump, still dangling from the railings.

There was a breath of shy laughter. Jack cocked his head and leapt beside her, crouching down to her eye level.

The snow leopard backed away. "What?" she asked nervously.

His brows furrowed. He had just learned that girls and some boys don't normally look at people with glazed, smiling gazes. But she had looked at him differently. Brief. She's timid but she's not doing the giggly, shy glances.

The snow leopard yelped when Jack zoomed, dragging her in tow.


Jesse's Apartment, School Season, 1962

Again, Rhoda stared at him as though he had grown rabbit ears.

"Eurgh!" she exclaimed, throwing up her hands with the turn of her heel.

Jesse frowned internally. Her incoherent exclamation could be translated as "I'm angry right now but I can't explain why." Plus, not continuing their date, that had also been another clue.

As far as he was concerned, he had every reason to act. Nothing draws both toons together as one drawing and painting another. Rhoda had known that fox for years when people might've thought she's available. Plus, the photo of them in the papers. The fox's embrace was definitely NOT platonic at all.

All the time that fox had prevented a scandal involving Jack, what was really his intentions?

Plus, it's not like the fox doctor wouldn't keep it private. He had controlled every factor where something might go wrong.

Knowing Rhoda, she would approach him, apologize for walking out and explain what made her mad.


Both Jack and Rose were looking at him in concern.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes. How's school?"

The twins glanced at each other. "I joined the school's theater. Jack looked for animal shelters to volunteer to."

Jack put down his fork. "But seriously, Pa. What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong."

He watched them glance at each other again, a secret communication that he couldn't decode.

"Does it have something to do with Maman?" Rose asked.

How did they… "Your mother just got a little mad at me," he elaborated.

Rose's eyes widened slightly. "Mad at you? Why?"

"I had a doctor checked if she had been marked."


"It can be detected by just a sniff. Nothing invasive," he explained. "Marking is common to some anthropomorphic foxes to mark their mates. It can be done by rubbing one's nuzzle to the neck. Usually while hugging."

The twins stared at him.

"Pa..." the voice was deep with ire that Jesse didn't expect to come from Rose.

"Rose, it's not that I don't trust her. She's a social butterfly. I just don't trust-"

"Her judgement," she continued.

"Rose, it's not like that."

"Maybe I should call her and ask her to buy cherry storks," Rose said with a sniff, taking the dirty dishes. She glanced at Jack.

Jack blew out his bangs. "Alright."

Rose walked out of the dining room. Jesse was about to follow her-

"Pa, please sit down."

Jesse stopped to stare at Jack.

"Rose is too worked up to talk right now, so it falls to me," his son brightly stated.

Jesse sat down. "Jack, I didn't mean to upset your mother."

"I know what it's like to mess up without meaning to," he said conversationally, putting his elbows on the table.

"Your mother and I will talk about it tomorrow," he promised.

Jack rubbed the bridge of his nose. "You'll be saying sorry because of how you made her feel. But would you know what you're really apologizing for?" Actually he was simply repeating what Rose and Maman would tell him when he would mess up. Apology isn't just enough.

He rested his clasped hands on the table. "I don't buy all of Maman's reasons of having Rose and I live here. She's doing it to ease her guilt for what she had done."

His smile was bland. "I made a promise to myself to always be there for her. Not so easy keeping that while living here." Jesse didn't miss the way his hands clenched momentarily.

"Rose's disappointed because you just insulted Maman's capacity to place boundaries. Maman would hug a stranger." He ran his hand through his hair and rabbit ears. "But do you really think she'll let someone nuzzle her in the neck?"

Jack sighed, wondering if this was even the proper time to be getting his feelings off his chest. "You were hurt when she left, yeah. She gets it."

He stood up, keeping his voice even. "You think it didn't hurt her when she left too?" he asked, remembering all the times she would look at him and Rose as though seeing a different person. All the times she evaded questions of their father.

Blue eyes scowled, unbridled by neither mother or sister that would've stopped him. "She made the wrong decision when she wanted to protect Rose and I. But it was also the harder choice that she took for our sake." How could they? Papa had pushed them away.

He willed his clenched fists to relaxed. But it was kind of difficult when he remembers how Maman had recognized firsthand the signs that Mr. Wood's toony monogamous nature had taken over him. By firsthand experience.

"If you can't see that, can't you at least give her some credit?" he asked, not able to keep the bite in his last word.

Jack left his speechless father. He really hates being the voice of reason. Thank goodness that's Rose's job -most of the time.


ToonTown High School, 1964


Rose turned around the empty hallway and stopped at seeing Jack.

Jack was kneeling down on one knee, raising a toon cat high above his head as though presenting to a god.

"I got you a new friend!" he exclaimed, grinning behind the stunned toon's dangling feet.


The snow leopard squeaked when she was dropped in front of Rose, jacket hugged close.

"See ya!"

For a good measure, Jack pushed the frozen cat towards Rose before running away.

Rose's eyes squinted. She knew that grin on his face all too well...


Acme Studios, School Season, 1962

Rhoda sighed, wondering why couldn't she be born with the ability to sort out herself in an instant.

She stood before the door of Jesse's office. This would've been over yesterday if she hadn't spent a night fuming and working it out. He did say he trusted her. But why did she feel like he didn't? Yet Jesse wouldn't lie to her.

If only Mina was available, she could help her sort her thoughts out. But no, her friend was gone again with Leroy. Those two are becoming friends fast.

With a deep breath, she pushed open the door, greeting his secretary on the way.

"Jesse?" she opened the other door to the actual office. "I'm sorry about walking out yesterday."

She saw Jesse looked up from his desk.

"I just didn't like what you did," she explained. "I could've told you if he got that close. I mean," her rabbit ears twisted together. "I thought you said you don't care about Antoine!"

Jesse rose from his desk. "I'm sorry too about yesterday." He approached her, kneeling to her eye level. "Ever since everything's getting better between us, I've been worrying if I missed something about him."

Rhoda's face went blank. "You're jealous," she said in disbelief.

Jesse frowned but didn't say anything. Her laugh broke through his sullen mood.

"Antoine's was just our neighbor. There's no way I'd go out with him!"

He still remained silently surly. But he stepped back from the impact when she suddenly leapt up to hug him.

"There's nothing between me and that fox, trust me," Rhoda continued shuddering. "Besides he would never measure," she murmured, looking into his eyes with the rest of her unspoken sentence.


ToonTown High School, 1964

Jyrgal the Snow Leopard wasn't so bad. Although the other toons would jokingly call her "Gargle." The snow leopard explained it means happiness in Kyrgyzstan, where the real snow leopards were from.

In the fifteen minutes she had talked to her, Rose noted she didn't have Sister Marie's gentle convictions. Or Ms. Laurens' powerful confidence. Jyrgal was simply a quiet observer.

She would become quiet before answering, as though she's carefully mulling over what Rose had said. Then she would meticulously wrap letters into words, checked them with Rose's words before releasing her response.

It was kind of charming.

So what did Rose do? She bid her goodbye as she and Jack went home. Just because she's gay didn't mean she's interested to every girl that talks to her.


Acme Studios, School Season, 1962

Rhoda glanced at the clock. It was soon going to be dinner time. But Jesse reassured her Jack and Rose have plenty of leftovers to choose from back home.

By the time dinner ended, Rhoda began to clean up the table.

"Can I stay over for tonight?"

She straightened up in surprise. Jesse smoothed his hands around her waist, hugging her from behind.

"Jesse, you still have work tomorrow," she stomped her feet a little on the stool when she could feel her legs becoming jelly.

"I'll take a day-off. Isn't that your day-off too?"

"You'll wrinkle your suit."

He tucked his chin on the top of her head. "My briefcase's hammer space always carry spares."

"Would Jack and Rose be okay in their own?" she asked, fighting an inner battle with the warmth swaying her.

"Rhoda, they had stayed on their own when they were 14."

He gently nudged her around. When she complied, his lips took in her furred one. Her mouth softly pressed his lower lip and he took this as his cue to go deeper, hands travelling down her round hips that were deceptively hidden by the flare of her overall dress. His fingers slowly scrunched her skirt upward, pressing closer to enjoy her soft form.

Jesse felt her moan in his mouth and something in him hurried. His hands lifted up her skirt all the way, his kissing became more urgent-

Rhoda suddenly put a hand on his chest, pulling back.

Their breaths were both labored. It felt like a furnace inside her as she bit her lip, running her tongue on the aftersensation. When she looked at his eyes, they have a dark intensity in them that she didn't fear. She gulped, fixing back her dress.

"I- I'm sorry, Jesse." Her heart still pounded. Electricity crackled between them. "I can't... yet."

Jesse tried to even his breathing, snapping back his restraints. He gave her forehead a quick, chaste kiss to cool back his resolve.

"It's okay, Rhoda." He took a deep breath, steadying the paint pounding in him. "I got a little fast."


ToonTown High School, 1964

"I -I don't need shopping, really." Jyrgal held up her hands, shying away from the midnight blue halter dress Rose was holding.

She saw Rose frown as they stood inside a boutique.

"Can you just try it? For me?" the rabbit gently asked.

Jyrgal bit her lip. Ever since their first encounter, she screwed up all her courage to greet her in the cafeteria. Although she had became acquainted with the people Rose hangs out with, she never became part of the group. The snow leopard furtively looked around before ducking her head.

"Alright. But I'm not coming out of the dressing room."

A few minutes later, Jyrgal's voice spoke out from the dressing room. "You can come in now."

The snow leopard tried not to wrap her arms around herself, her large, black hoodie hanging on a hook. To her dismay, it was backless.

"Can you turn around?" Rose asked.

She did stiffly, fully conscious of her exposed spots.

"You look beautiful," her rabbit friend simply said.

Jyrgal rubbed her arms, looking at the mirror before her. No, she didn't. Mistakes. Covered with mistakes. It was something that she couldn't escape. Her artist couldn't capture the likeness of an actual snow leopard, leaving her a flawed gray coat of broken spots.

Unlike Rose.

Rose could've been the queen of ToonTown High School. She was unblemished with her white fur and slim rabbit legs, held with a ballerina's grace. She was exotic for her dainty ways and French murmurs. She stood by what she believes, unafraid.

A hand clasped her shoulder as she stood in front of the mirror. "Jyrgal, I can write poems about you in that dress-"

She tried not to blush under her gray fur and markings.

"-but the person who has to find beauty in you is you."

Her heart skipped a beat. She didn't know how Rose became her friend. It was kind of a blessing, her and Jack's presence had scared away the other kids who wanted to "correct" her spots with markers. It was bad enough the first time.

"I actually like one of your songs," she confessed.

"Really?" Rose asked, her brows rising.

She nodded, wanting to jump out of the window and mail herself somewhere far away at such a blatant admission. But Rose didn't looked enlightened yet. "You're the one who's actually beautiful," Jyrgal said, almost in a whisper as her hands wrung together. Her mind screamed to stop but the desire to let the rabbit know won over her hesitance. "Not just your looks."

"I know your song 'Idol' is about celebrities shouldn't be expected by the masses to be their idol all the time." She fiddled with the dressing room's curtain. "But I like to think that you're telling us to be our own persons first to fortify ourselves against wrong expectations"

Rose watched her subconsciously raise the curtain close to herself as though hiding halfway with it. "People think I'm a failure because of how I was drawn. I still have some bad days when it gets me." Jyrgal took a deep breath. "But hearing your song, was the first time I began to think that maybe… maybe there's something worth finding in me."


Acme Studios, School Season, 1962

The clock ticked to an unknown hour as their voices tread softly in the dark

"You've taught them about private parts that early?" he asked.

"Yeah," she replied. "They should know what's okay and not okay to be touched. Why?"

Jesse gave her a smirk as they lie on the bed. Rhoda who could be so squeamish at merely holding a pair of underwear…

"Nothing," he answered. "I just imagined you turning red and sputtering."

She looked back at the trailer's ceiling. "I just want to protect them in any way I could." Her hands gripped the sheets, her humor vanished. "I'm not going to pretend those monsters don't exist. Especially after what Mina went through."

"I'm sorry," he turned to look at her, regarding this new side of her. "You were right." He paused for a moment. "Didn't you had any problems back when you were pregnant with them?"



France, 1947

Rhoda huffed, touching her swollen abdomen. The doctor said that since rabbits have the gestation period of a month and humans have a gestation period of nine, they may come out at eight months.

If they would survive, the doctor had put gently.

Her brows pulled into a frown. There were no other cases of humanoid-anthropomorph toons before. As a toon doctor, he was still obliged to retain her privacy.

So far, she have been feeling well. No hiccups. No abnormal swelling whatsoever.


Her hands grasped a jar of apricot jam. She grunted as she tried to open it. But the lid wouldn't budge.

An unfamiliar irk took her. A cold sort of irritation as she calmly frowned at the jar that dared to hinder her. She filled a pot with water and lit the stove, her mind uncharacteristically clean and efficient as all cluttering thoughts were swept away.

Heat would cause air in jars to expand and be easier to open. How she knew that, she didn't know. She didn't question the odd, calm clarity that took over her mind as she put the jar in the pot.

She stood still as she waited for the pot to boil. Mina would probably have a heart attack if she saw that Rhoda managed to stand in place for more than 3 seconds.

Finally, she could see bubbles forming. The composed, calculating feeling possessing her crooned.

"Yes..." she said.

The bubbles frothed some more as it neared boiling point. A rush of exhilaration began rising over her like a tidal wave.


Steam rose, hot and heavy. The bubbles churned faster. In her triumph, she could see the lid expand from the heat.

She began to laugh like a mad scientist as cold, calm void met a bottomless blast of hype. As mischief meets cunning into an explosion of chaos -good or bad be darned.

"BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA-HAAA-HAAA!" Frost surrounding her patient body burst into steam as she blazed with fire. "WHOO-HOO-HOO!"

The elemental projections disappeared as it had appeared. Rhoda turned off the stove and used oven mitts to fish out the jar.

Humming, she opened it with an easy "pop!"

She blinked.

"What just happened?"


Acme Studios, School Season, 1962

"My mood swings were terrible," Rhoda said. "Since I was experiencing both Jack and Rose's opposite tempers, I felt like a yoyo."

One hand rubbed her temple. "One moment, my mind would feel detached and focused, the next I would feel as rambunctious as a puppy."

She glanced at her husband, wondering what had compelled him this time. For some reason, Jesse had been asking her questions that are related to their kids. But aren't centralled really to their kids.

"Thank you."

She glanced at him. "For what?"

"For being the mother of my kids."

He turned to his side, facing her. His thumb rubbed her bunny cheek. For teaching them. Loving them. Nurturing them. Molding them to the people they were now.

Protecting them from the madness that could've consumed her. Even if it had been extreme.

Staying at his worst.

Rhoda's mouth quirked into a smile that she didn't feel. If her heart felt like a deflated balloon, why does it feel so heavy? It should've made her happy. Should've. But… that had been the problem. She was the mother of his kids.

She gave him a quick, chaste kiss before turning on her side to sleep. Despite Jesse spooning her from behind, she only felt numb.


Acme Studios, 1964

"You see Leroy, that's the difference between you and me. You want romance to feel complete. I don't."

"Well, that's where you and I are different. I'm open to romance. You're not."

Mina grumbled to herself, fixing a drink. "Hey Rhoda! Do you know your kids' latest shenanigans?"

Said rabbit's head popped out from the doorway. "What?"

"I caught your son and daughter interrogating Leroy. About me."


"They were asking what was his intentions for me!" Mina barked out a disbelieving laugh. "We're not even dating!"

Rhoda kept her mouth shut. She wasn't going to point out that she had been meeting with Leroy for the past year or so.

"You're family, they just worry," she explained.

Mina snorted. "I don't need protection. I don't need a guy! Especially not someone who'd be all nice and decent one moment and woo anything with a skirt the next!" she spat, aggressively bruising mint on the ice.

Rhoda stared as she makes a violent drink. Or rather a drink made violently.

"Was Leroy okay after Rose and Jack asked him about you?" she carefully asked.

"He's fine!" Mina somewhat exploded. She put a load of ice in the ice crush and began to rotate it as though it was a firing gatling gun. "I'm not going to apologize to him about what your twins did. He even laughed about it-"

"Did that bother you?"

"No! Let me finish!"

Mina hooted out loud. "You're kidding me, right?"

"I'm not. I'm just as shocked," Leroy replied, raking his scraggly hair. "I felt like they're playing good cop bad cop on me."

He waited for her roaring to subside. Finally, she wiped a tear from her eye.

Leroy yelped when he was suddenly yanked down by his tie. Mina smirked.

"Although, IF we are dating, I will grant you mercy," her finger twirled his tie closer. "But not your every wish."

"Then you noticed something," Rhoda continued for her, translating her uncomfortable silence.

Mina didn't confirm nor deny, remembering how his eyes widened. The red tint that rose from his paint. That funny feeling that makes her react like Dracula to sunlight once she realized what it was. She didn't know what demon possessed her to say those stuff, but she's going to Van Helsing the shit out of it.

Without even talking about it, they both have pretended that never happened. Yet it haunts her like a memory one was never proud of.

Mina rubbed her face. "Rhoda…." she sighed. "I'm too old for this shit."

She was actually in her 70s. Leroy's what? In his 30s? He's desperate for romantic attention, seeks a romantic companion, thirsts for romantic validation. She's a chain-smoking alcoholic in a baby's body and would never pass as a saint to save her paint.

"You're not," the rabbit said, short and simple.

Mina scratched her head irritably. "Rabbit, look at me," she spread her chubby little arms.

Rhoda cocked her head to one side, regarding her. But maybe Mina shouldn't have asked for Rhoda's perspective. The rabbit's looking at her with a little smile in her face as though she's looking at someone lovable and endearing and-

Rhoda scooped her up into a hug, warm and fuzzy and familiar. Mina half-halfheartedly tried to push her away. Just so the rabbit knew Mina doesn't need hugs.

"Don't worry," her friend assured. "You'll be fine."


Acme Studios, School Season, 1962

Jesse's arm sleepily went to Rhoda's side of the bed to find it empty. Months after that night, sleeping over at Rhoda's trailer each week had become part of their routine.

He got sat up, only to see Rhoda scribbling lists on the table.

"Good morning," he said, kissing the top of her head before getting dressed.

By the time he returned, Rhoda was still mumbling to herself about balloons and punches and cakes.

"Planning Rose and Jack's birthday?" he asked.

"Yep-puh!" She crossed some things off her list. "They're going to be sixteen and it has to be spectacular!"

Jesse sat on the table beside her, watching her choose which balloon service to pick.

"Do you want to live with us back in ToonTown?"

Rhoda paused at her scribbles. Then she laughed. "Jesse, living here is more convenient now that I'm back acting."

Jesse didn't respond. Back when they were married, Rhoda had no problem taking a cab from ToonTown to Maroon Cartoon Studios.

"Don't you want to live with Jack and Rose?"

Rhoda gave him a chiding smile. "They need to spend time with their father."

"But they'll still be able to spend time with me while you're there."

Her eyes turned old in a moment. "You know what I mean, Jesse."

"We see each other every weekday. Jack and Rose gets to visit you every Saturday. I spend the Sunday with them and I bed with you every Wednesday. Don't you think-"


She searched his eyes and he looked directly at her. But whatever was the problem wasn't in his eyes anymore.

Rhoda broke their gaze. "Just… no," she said in a tone that finalized the conversation.

He observed her weathered but stubborn state. He could convince her. He knew her every guilt button for her to cave in. Rose. Jack. Even those fifteen years lost. Use every factor against her until she'd yield this stubborn reasoning and move in with them.

Jesse watched her hopped off to get coffee, wilted ears with her mouth a subtle upside-down.

But was that what he really wanted?

Rhoda jumped when she felt him come up behind her. She turned around and Jesse cupped her bunny cheeks, tilting her face to look at him.

He bumped her forehead gently with his. "If I made you feel that it's better this way, I'm sorry," he spoke, remembering the time he called her the word that meant so hurtfully for her. His past responses to her efforts, the harsh and the apathetic.

Then he let go and walked out of her trailer.


ToonTown, 1964

Jyrgal was a quiet pool of oasis.

Rose knew the snow leopard was having issues with self-esteem that no shopping or makeover could solve. But Jyrgal likes photography. She said real snow leopards were often called "Ghosts of the Mountains" because they were so elusive, only a few photos of them exist.

Jyrgal was quiet contemplation. Among the recording and school and concerts and playing in cafes, Rose would seek her out. Music and songs were her life. But silence was also important, embodied by her friend that she could talk with about anything.

"You're related to Baby Mina?" Jyrgal asked in surprise.

"By love," Rose replied. "Aunt Mina had always been a close friend of our mother's."

They passed by the gates of the manor. It's been awhile since she went here. But with Edgar meeting with Maman about the hotline they were planning to make… it somehow ended up with Aunt Mina's house, much to her aunt's chagrin.

When they approached the door, they could hear Edgar's kids singing in a tune like Jingle Bells.

"Dashing through the snow

There's something you should know

Your prestige isn't based

By the color of your face!

You think we're really low

Your reasons really blow

Get out your house and stub your toe

And eat some yellow snow!"

There was suddenly a yell amidst the children's laughter. "Jack! Mina!" Rose could hear their mother inside.

She took a deep breath, ringing the doorbell. She didn't have to bring Jyrgal with her. Yet...

Maman answered the door. Behind her, they could hear Jack rough housing with Edgar's kids. She let out a gasp at seeing Rose's companion.

"Maman, this is my friend, Jyrgal."

For some reason, Maman's eyes sparkled tenfold, fists gripped in an emotional overdrive squooshing her own face as an "Eeeeeee!" sound came out of her happy grin.

Far from the raucous of the living room, Jesse accompanied a beaver that he may or may not made a bad impression.

"I'm sorry for borrowing your wife's time again, Mr. Krupnik," Edgar Wood said.

His shoulders lifted into a shrug. "It's okay. I wasn't able to apologize for my behavior the first time we met."

The beaver cleared his throat, his broad tail slapping the ground. "Well..." he said in an uncertain voice of if-it-makes-you-feel-better speech. "I haven't apologized to your wife for running her over with my car."


Edgar sighed. "Mr. Krupnik, in the risk of undermining my custody over the kids." He seemed to take a deep confessing breath. "Rhoda stopped me from kidnapping my own children."

Jesse blinked. Why was he telling him this?

But the beaver wiped his specs before talking again. "At first, I thought she would understand and let me go. But she didn't. I mean," his muscular arm rose to rub the back of his head. "She did understand that's why she didn't let me go." He chuckled. "If it wasn't for her, I might've done something grave," his lips grinned in irony.

"She never told me about the two of you and I won't ask. But I just want you to know." The beaver raised his head, matching Jesse's gaze. "Rabbit nature is real. The lack on information on how to deal with it have played a part in whatever happened."

Jesse nodded. "I know that already." He understood long ago Rhoda didn't intend to hurt him. "But thank you."

There was suddenly a zooming sound. They both turned to the entrance to see Rhoda hugging a still shocked snow leopard, surrounded by Jack, an apologetic Rose, Mina, Roderick, Bell and Lee.

"Jesse, look! I adopted another one!" Rhoda exclaimed.


Acme Studios, School Season, 1962

Sunday. It was supposed to be Jesse's family day with the kids. But Jack and Rose insisted she should come.

Rhoda watched them wander in the lake's shore. Just a simple picnic in a park. Even Jesse had taken off his shoes and socks to dip his feet in the water, trousers rolled up to his knees.

She sat among the boulders nearby, feet tapping the shallow waters. Jack may have traitorously used the puppy eyes against her ("I paid it with my dignity!" he defended), but she'll try to let Jesse be more involved for today and just be in the background.

"Wave! Wave!" a few people yelled.

She turned around, confused but waved her hand.

Only to have a giant wave of water splashed down and past her, nearly carrying her away.

Her mouth sputtered as she sat there drenched, hand still upraised. She hopped off the boulders, fur dripping.

Nearby, Jesse gaze was focused at the lake's horizon. But Rhoda knew, just knew, that he was trying not to laugh.

Rhoda kicked water at his direction. She watched his eyes widen in surprise before he kicked back.

They were soon kicking and dodging splashes. She shrieked, laughing from a particularly large spray. But with Rhoda drenched, he had the upperhand.

Or did he?

She leapt up into his arms, hugging around shoulders, drenching him. He caught her anyway as she shook herself like a dog out of the bath for a good measure.

They laughed at their own horseplay, foreheads touching as they gradually calm down.

Meanwhile, Jack and Rose pretended not to know the man and the bunny sopping wet together.


Jesse's Apartment, 1965

"Shhh… it's here!"

The TV blared, a panda reporter on screen.

"If you're drawn from monogamous animals, this might be for you."

The camera zoomed to the outside of Edgar's office.

"Last year, Dr. Edgar Wood founded the IMA Hotline. AKA Intrinsically Monogamous Anthropomorphs Hotline."

The screen cut into Edgar being interviewed.

"When we're drawn after animals, we're also drawn after their nature. It both has pros and cons. The nature helps get relationships through but when it comes for their significant other's desire to end it, that's when we come in."

The reporter appeared again, Edgar and Silka in the background.

"With the rising number of people getting a divorce -toon included, the IMA hotline had helped toons of monogamous nature deal with severe troubles in their relationships."

Edgar appeared again in the screen, speaking to the mike thrust to him.

"Sometimes we refer them to marriage counselors. There are many reasons for a relationship to fail. An IMA or a toon that mate for life, would sometimes find themselves unable to handle the end of a very important bond."

"There's Maman!"

The TV screen showed Rhoda with the news reporter.

"We're now here with A-list toonstar and comedienne Rhoda Rabbit, spokesperson of the IMA hotline. Tell us, Rhoda. Do you have a message to the other IMAs out there?"

Rhoda's lips quirked into an honest smile.

"If you're watching this and your relationship is on the rocks, you might be feeling afraid. You probably can't imagine a life without your partner. Or… it's so hard thinking you've lost someone, it's so easy to do something you probably would never consider."

Rose, Jack and Jesse watched from their living room as Rhoda looked back, her gaze open and comforting.

"Our nature in bad times isn't necessarily a bad thing. What matters most is how we react to it. If you think you need some help, we're one phone call away!"

The reporter pointed the mike to herself. "Rhoda, I've heard you would attend IMA seminars. What're your thoughts meeting the other IMAs who needed help?"

"Well, Miss Sanchez, the best thing meeting them is hearing them laugh again. Sometimes, it's their first laugh in a very long time."


ToonTown, 1963

"This is great, isn't it?" Rhoda said, looking out to the setting sun.

Jesse murmured in agreement. "I got you something."

She looked at him in interest. "Oooh? Is it candy?" But she still gasped in delight when he showed her.

"Jesse, this is the album that I gave ya!" she exclaimed. She fingered the yellow cover, remembering when they had been packing back in France.

"I already filled it," he stated as she opened to the first page.

"Phew, I was expecting this to be filled out after a couple of years," Rhoda replied, expecting the album to be filled more with Jack and Rose's future high school graduation, their next couple of birthdays and other holiday celebrations. But if Jesse already had it filled, they could always get a new one.

She hummed as she skimmed through them. There's the time they had a picnic to the park. She grinned, remembering her and Jesse's shenanigans in the lakeshore. Now the pages were showing their times in Disneyland, all four of them. Rose and Jack won't take no for an answer when she said it's their time with their father, not her.

Aaaand there's the picture of her and Jack throwing up in a bin after numerous rollercoaster rides.

Her smile became bigger when the pages transferred her to Christmas in Jesse, Jack and Rose's apartment. She was declining the twins' request for her to stay for the night. But there was suddenly a freak blizzard happening outside the windows. Rhoda had blamed herself for it, being the last one to leave. She had no choice but to sleep over in their flat. It was a relief that she didn't broke anything back there. She had only managed to fall into an empty box labelled "Acme Snowstorm Generator" or something like that. She would be lying if she said she hadn't enjoyed the Christmas cuddles with Jesse before sleeping or having post-Christmas breakfast with the kids.

Then there's the time they went to a park again. She suddenly became self-conscious when she saw a photo of her sitting contentedly while Rose braided her rabbit ears behind her with flowers. She didn't know he took a picture of that.

But as she turned more and more pages, the further her brows furrowed. Most of the pictures are the four of them. But...

Jesse observed her expression as she reached the last page. Then went back to the middle again, turning the pages over and over.

Finally, she looked up to him. "Jesse, I told you to fill these with memories of you and the kids."

"I did."

"I'm also in every photo. I told you it's your turn to make memories with them."

"What's wrong with you being a part of it?"

She pressed her lips together. "You know why." Her hands were about to close the book but Jesse held them open.

"Rhoda, I don't care about that anymore."

Her expression became stubborn. "No, Jesse."

But his hands spread on the album. "This is us as a family. I'd rather have this one over the one that I have let go for a long time... What about you?" When are you going to forgive yourself?

She didn't answer, fiddling with the yellow ribbon -the bookmarker of so many memories inside. Jesse had noticed her contentment at simply being in good terms with him again, living away from them for all the times she had lived with the twins.

"I don't want just Jack and Rose with me," he continued. She startled when he gripped her hands, the album lay on her lap, forgotten.

He knelt down on a knee. "Rhoda," his tone quiet, "Will you marry me again?"


Now the whole damn bus is cheerin'

And I can't believe I see

A hundred yellow ribbons 'round the ole oak tree

-Tie a Yellow Ribbon (1973)

Author's Notes: And that's the last chapter of this fic, guys.

1. Rhoda's conflict in this chapter reminds me of the verse in the song "Tie A Yellow Ribbon" above the said chapter. It's a song about a guy who got arrested and 3 years later, he went out under a parole. He wrote to his love that if she still wants him back, to tie a yellow ribbon around an oak tree. If he didn't see a ribbon, he'll understand if she didn't and will ride past by the house. When he got nearer and nearer his destination, he became so nervous. But to his surprise he saw a hundred yellow ribbons around the oak tree.

2. What the fox doctor did was kind of wrong. He was supposed to ask for consent first before examination. But since it's like taking one look at an appropriate area, he didn't bother.

3. I know the Jingle Bells version in this chapter may tempt others to sing it. But please don't pee on snow in people's yards as part of your props. Please. It's disgusting.


© 2017 - 2024 whenyinmetyang
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Nyxity's avatar
Hum... some of me dislikes how this took such a turn from the Why Me? fic, but it is AU and a fan fiction. Taking those things into account as well as how you wrote it, as such, it is a really great story. I really appreciate how you managed to keep it evident that Rhoda still loved and thought the world of Jesse, though, unlike her male equivalent, she did believe he was having an affair. The pregnancy aspect and added lore of toons based on monogamous animals certainly did help in regards to her actions, however.

If I wasn't so stuck on the way the movie portrayed their love for each other, I'd probably be completely in love with this. Instead, it leaves me a tad wishy-washy. I love the story, but the fact that Rhoda took such an opposite turn from Roger... leaves a bitter aftertaste.